"I am madly in love with life, with the wonder it holds, the blissful moments, even the heartbreak, the hurt, the loss. Because I am so aware that every moment is a singular sensation and won’t come back. I am pushing myself to be aware of every second passing, paying attention to even the most insignificant things that add up to be my life."
Born in Warendorf, Germany (1980), Bath moved to Hamburg after her highschool diploma in 1999 to get a professional training in Illustration Design at Bildkunst Akademie, Hamburg. She finished with a degree in 2002 but felt the need to deepen and expand her artistic skills and applied for Design Studies at the Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaft, Hamburg (HAW). She graduated with a diploma in Design in 2007 with a strong focus on painting.
The idea of “time” and everything that is linked to that emotionally such as memory, transience and the brevity of a moment drives her need to paint. Time is abstract and therefore tricky to paint but when connected to our experience and memory, it is filled with sentiment and emotion. When painting, Johanna reflects on those narratives of time and memory and tries to depict "a sense of time" on canvas.