In Motion: Opening Show | Co-curated by Tesoro
Enari Gallery is pleased to present In Motion, a show premiering the gallery’s voyage into the art world. The exhibition is co-curated by The Tesoro Collection and includes works by Thorbjørn Bechmann, Pierre Bellot, Eline Boerma, Ryan Browning, Douglas Cantor, Francisco Mendes Moreira and Ioanna Limniou.
To set In Motion implies causing something to start moving. It's commonly used metaphorically to indicate the start of, the initiation of, or to trigger a new beginning. The term often implies that once something is in motion, it can't be stopped once already started. With the unique aspects of motion, that the artists craftily demonstrate in their work, this poetically marks the beginning of Enari Gallery. The exhibition invites audiences to investigate the various gestures and sensitive connotations of motion employed by the artists, from the more figurative works of Douglas Cantor and Ioanna Limniou to Thorbjørn Bechmann and Eline Boerma's pure burst of materiality and color. In Motion mixes powerful brush strokes with more personal memories of the artists in a playful manner.
Enari Gallery invites you to be a part of our creation, to be a part of our 'motion'.
- Eline Boerma
- Ioanna Limniou
- Ryan Browning
- Thorbjørn Bechmann
- Pierre Bellot
- Francisco Mendes Moreira
- Douglas Cantor