• The Exhibition

    Meet the Cantors, a duo show by Douglas Cantor and Sophie Vallance Cantor, is the artists' third collaboration, showcasing their resilient partnership. Their story is one of persistent creativity, unwavering conviction, and mutual support in overcoming challenges. With a ‘watch us’ attitude, they defy expectations, crafting unconventional works that celebrate the triumph of creativity over adversity.
  • Vallance Cantor and Cantor delve into the multifaceted theme of immigration, which is a recurring motif in their artistic endeavours....

    Sophie and Douglas in their home. Image courtesy of the artists and Chloe Polkinghorne.

    Vallance Cantor and Cantor delve into the multifaceted theme of immigration, which is a recurring motif in their artistic endeavours. Through their respective works, they address the complexities of immigration, drawing on personal experiences and the difficulties of navigating the system. Their titles provide glimpses into Cantor's immigrant experience, highlighting the enormous impact it has had on their shared lives.
    Vallance Cantor emerges as a central figure in Cantor's artistic and personal life. In his paintings, she is his muse, representing inspiration and companionship. In a whimsical yet dramatic twist, Cantor is portrayed as 'El Diablo' (The Devil), a symbol of the immigrant experience in the Western world. However, this representation defies clichés by portraying 'El Diablo' as a figure of protection, serenity, and mastery, defying typical narratives surrounding immigration. Despite these challenges, their unwavering dedication to one another acts as a beacon of fortitude.
  • Douglas Cantor

    Douglas Cantor, born in 1989 in Puerto Boyacá, Colombia, lives and works in London, UK. His work focuses on themes of identity, memory, and the isolating experience of being an immigrant, drawing heavily on his personal history and Latin American heritage.
    Cantor's paintings are deeply biographical, often featuring motifs from his immediate surroundings, such as personal objects, daily life, and close relationships. His art explores the complexities of diaspora identity and cultural transformation through the lens of his own experiences as a Latino immigrant in the UK. This results in a unique blend of imagery that portrays a hybrid cultural reality, reflecting both his Colombian roots and his life in the UK.
  • His compositions are infused with nostalgia, often romanticizing aspects of his Colombian culture while simultaneously integrating elements of his current life. This creates a sense of idealization, capturing the essence of his memories and experiences in a vibrant and emotionally resonant manner. Cantor describes his painting process as intuitive and driven by the act of painting itself. He often starts with multiple sketches and canvases, allowing the painting to evolve organically. This process is less about control and more about discovery, as he seeks to create the best possible painting rather than a predetermined outcome. His approach is free from theoretical constraints, focusing instead on personal significance and emotional truth.
    Douglas Cantor's work offers a poignant exploration of identity and belonging, capturing the complexities of cultural transformation through his vivid and personal paintings. His art stands as a testament to the immigrant experience, blending past and present in a visually and emotionally compelling way.
  • Cantor's journey into painting was significantly influenced by his partner, Vallance Cantor. Her impact helped him realise the freedom and...
    Douglas Cantor, Tu Diablo, 2024, oil on canvas

    Cantor's journey into painting was significantly influenced by his partner, Vallance Cantor. Her impact helped him realise the freedom and fulfilment he finds in painting, which he describes as an ongoing process of self-discovery and expression​. His approach is intuitive and personal, focusing on creating art that is authentic and resonates with his own experiences and emotions rather than adhering to external expectations or theoretical frameworks. 


    His work is also heavily influenced by his cultural heritage and the emotional complexities of being an immigrant. The themes of belonging and identity are central to his work, as he navigates the space between his Colombian roots and his life in the UK. This duality is a constant source of inspiration, driving the narratives within his paintings. 

    • Douglas Cantor, All the Swans, 2024
      Douglas Cantor, All the Swans, 2024
    • Douglas Cantor, Flores Para Ti, 2024
      Douglas Cantor, Flores Para Ti, 2024
    • Douglas Cantor, Painters Table, 2023
      Douglas Cantor, Painters Table, 2023
  • Sophie Vallance Cantor

    Sophie Vallance Cantor is a Scottish painter born in 1993 in Stirling, Scotland. Vallance Cantor's paintings are known for their vivid color palettes and playful, yet deeply introspective subject matter. She draws inspiration from a myriad of sources including films, social media, personal photographs, and a small book titled "A Dictionary of Colour Combinations." This eclectic mix of influences allows her to create compositions that are both visually striking and emotionally resonant. She places significant emphasis on color, having evolved from a more spontaneous approach to a deliberate and studied use of hues, often influenced by her partner, Douglas Cantor​.
  • Vallance Cantor's practice is deeply personal, serving as both an expressive outlet and a means of navigating her experiences with...
    Sophie Vallance Cantor in her studio. Image courtesy of the artists and Chloe Polkinghorne.

    Vallance Cantor's practice is deeply personal, serving as both an expressive outlet and a means of navigating her experiences with autism. Her paintings often function as self-portraits, capturing her evolving identity and emotions over time. This introspective approach allows her to create a world within her art where she can process and depict her experiences, inviting viewers to observe but not partake directly, maintaining a sense of personal space and autonomy​.


  • Her work frequently incorporates text, which she collects from snippets of conversations, songs, everyday interactions, or her favorite pieces of literature. These textual elements add layers of meaning to her paintings, blending visual and verbal storytelling. This approach reflects her fascination with the interplay between words and images, and how simple phrases can encapsulate complex emotions and narratives. Despite her critical view of certain aspects of the art world, Vallance Cantor actively engages with it. She is known for her humorous and critical takes on the art industry's power structures and ideologies, which showcases her willingness to critique while still participating in and contributing to the art community​.
  • Vallance Cantor's influences extend beyond the realm of painting. She draws inspiration from artists and figures who embody the artistic spirit, such as Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe. This admiration for artists who live and breathe their craft mirrors her own approach to art as a continuous and immersive process. Her relationship with her partner, Douglas Cantor, also plays a significant role in her artistic development, as they mutually influence each other’s work and creative journeys​.

  • Her paintings offer an ultimately personal approach, summoning the viewers and inviting them to see the world through her eyes;...
    Sophie Vallance Cantor, Save Your Coins For the FotoAutomat, 2024, oil on canvas
    Her paintings offer an ultimately personal approach, summoning the viewers and inviting them to see the world through her eyes; a universe where bright neon signs light up dark alleyways and domestic cats transform into wild beasts in 24-hour bars and cafés. Each of her paintings can be interpreted as a still from a film; the characters stare back at the viewer with a “cool” and detached feeling as they ride a motorcycle down an infinite highway or blow cigarette smoke while sipping a cocktail. Although viewers are welcome into her world, they are kept at arm's length, treated like outsiders – voyeurs – looking in on a private moment.
  • Sophie Vallance Cantor's work is a testament to the power of color, narrative, and personal expression in contemporary art. Her ability to blend visual and textual elements creates rich, multifaceted works that invite viewers into her unique world. With a growing body of work and numerous exhibitions under her belt, Vallance Cantor continues to be a dynamic and influential figure in the art world.


    The artist has exhibited her work extensively, both in solo and group exhibitions across the globe. Her work has been featured in prestigious venues such as Sotheby’s in New York and Mrs Gallery in New York, highlighting her international appeal and recognition within the contemporary art scene. Furthermore, the artist's works will be shown at the CAN Art Fair 2024 in Ibiza with Enari Gallery. 

  • Sophie Vallance Cantor, Sacred Studio, 2024